Monday, 26 April 2010


Can't believe that I actually did it - ran the London Marathon all 26.2 miles of it...

It was such an amazing day which started really early at 5am. I'd stayed at Mum and Dad's with Michael, so we were all up early to get the 7am train. We saw loads of other runners on the train all with their big red kit bags. Once we were at Greenwich we just followed all the other mad people into the park. Dad took a last photo of me and then we said goodbye as they weren't allowed any further - just runners. Tried not to burst into tears as I was feeling very emotional.

So now I'm on my own - trip to the loo 1st to calm the nerves especially as there was no queue. Then I sat on the grass people watching - there was so much going on. At about 8.30 I put my kit bag on the lorry to meet me at the finish line. Then another trip to the loo - had to queue for 10 mins this time. I had read somewhere that you should join the loo queue again as you're bound to want go again by the time you get to the front - they were right, 30 mins this time.

And then it started to rain ! It poured. The only place to shelter was under the trees but it rained so hard it was coming through. I made my way into Pen 9 where I was to start from and tried to shelter at the side under a tree. 15 mins to go and it was getting quite crowded and it stopped raining. 10 mins to go and there was a great cheer, they were letting us slowly move forward. I didn't hear the race actually start, we just started to move slowly to the park gates and round the corner to the start line. About 20 yards from the start we were off running.

I just kept running - I didn't stop for ages. I saw Mum, Dad and Michael by the Maritime Museum in Greenwich. Didn't find out until afterwards that Penny and Andy were further down the road and I'd looked straight at Andy but didn't see them.

Before I knew it I turned a corner and was crossing over Tower Bridge - half way. The next few miles I spent looking for the loos - my tummy was churning from all those sickly gels, not a good feeling. Eventually found them and joined the end of the queue - 15 mins later I was off again.

The next point to look forward to was Canary Wharf where the Blue Cross would be and hopefully I'd be able to spot the family in the crowd. It was so noisy but as I turned a corner I could hear screaming SARAH, SARAH it was the Blue Cross so I stopped and waved. Then not more than 100 yards later was Mum, Dad, Michael, Penny and Andy. I dumped my bum bag that was digging in my tummy, gave Michael a kiss then off I went.

Coming up to 19 miles and it's feeling really hot and my tummy is still churning. I know I need to drink loads but it just makes me feel so ill. I'm starting to flag a bit by mile 20 and starting to walk more often. I couldn't see Peter and the girls near London Bridge but I was now running behind time so maybe they thought they'd missed me. I've got a new plan - run for 5 min walk for 1 min, that worked for a while until we got into the tunnel. Everyone just walked through. It was if there were no supporters so no-one could see we were all walking and it was nice and cool.
Out of the tunnel and I can see Charing Cross Station so only a few miles to go. Then soon I can see Big Ben - nearly there. I try to run as much as possible if only my legs would co-operate. The crowd are excellent - "come on Sarah, nearly there, not far to go now". Then I round the corner at Big Ben and can see the park. I must keep going. The trees help as it's a bit shady.

Then suddenly "Mummy, Mummy, MUMMY" there's the girls and Peter and I stop for a kiss and cuddly. "Go" said Peter "you've nearly finished". The sign says 600 metres to go, then 400 metres then I turned the corned onto The Mall - 385 yards to go. I can see the finish then amazingly it's all over - I've done it. Everyone is so nice "Well done Sarah" said the marshalls and the lady who cuts the chip off my shoe, and the lady who takes my photo, the man at the baggage reclaim, and another photo glad I had my name on my T-shirt.

So, it's all over. What an amazing experience and I still can't believe I actually did it. I would never have been able to do it without the help and support of everyone. Especially Peter and the kids who were bored stiff of the Marathon after a year of me talking about it. They were brilliant while I've spent most Sundays running for the past 4 months. Also Dad for being my personal trainer and who kept me going when I'd had enough. Or when he made me feel guilty for not going training - so I'd put the phone down, get changed and go running and be glad I went. Then thanks to everyone else for being interested in what I was doing and wishing me good luck and sponsoring me.

Thank you all xxxxx

Saturday, 24 April 2010



Friday, 23 April 2010


Today I've been to collect my race number from the Excel Exhibition - 34973 and I'm in red pen 9 which is right at the back. So now the countdown begins and it all seem so real now. Still can't believe I'm actually doing the Marathon on Sunday. Sometimes I'm really excited and then later I'll have a bit of a wobble and be really nervous.

So from now on I'm not doing alot apart from eating carbs and drinking loads of water. The problem is I might have overdone the eating already as my jeans are starting to feel a bit cosy. I could be rolling round on Sunday !

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


4 Days...that's all, 4 DAYS.....

I went for a little 2 mile jog today to keep my legs moving. I just can't stop thinking about Sunday. In my head it's just MARATHON MARATHON MARATHON.

I've just got so much to think about before Sunday MARATHON MARATHON MARATHON.

I got my name put on my T-Shirt, front and back. So that's one thing off my list of things to do.................roll on Sunday


Sunday, 18 April 2010

One Week To Go !

So it's finally here, the last week. I can't believe that it's been a year since I started on my adventure to run the London Marathon. A year ago I couldn't run to the end of the road and now, next week, I will try to run 26.2 miles.

Today I ran my last long run - 8 miles. I ran to the Harvester where I met Peter and the kids. We then stayed for a drink and pub lunch. Burger and chips.....yummy.

The rest of the week I only have a few short runs to do just to keep my legs ready. Then on Friday I'm going to get my race number from The Expo Exhibition and have a good look round. Saturday I'm staying at Mum and Dads to make it easier to get to Greenwich on Sunday morning. OMG - Sunday is going to come round so fast !!!!

Monday, 12 April 2010

Not Long to Go Now.

With just under 2 weeks to go, yesterday I went out in the sunshine for a 13 mile jog. The plan now is to slow everything down and decrease the mileage so my body is fit for the big day.

I really enjoyed my long run yesterday - I think I even caught the sun and that's after slapping on the suncream. If only there was no wind it would have been a perfect day. I also tried out some new fuel gels which were yummy - tropical flavour.

So now the nail biting will begin as I'm starting to get a bit nervous about the day. I'm going to try and enjoy it all and not worry about how long it takes as long as I finish. Yes Dad I know they open the roads after 7 hours - I'll be long finished by then HAHAHA

I'm still after more sponsorship. If anyone wants to plug me on their facebook page that would be brilliant. Just post the link to my sponsorship page Thanks....Sarah xxxxxxx

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Trying to Keep Positive.

For a change of scenery I went running from my Mum and Dad's house while they looked after the kids. It was great to run a completely flat route instead of loads of hills. I ran from their house almost into Bromley then back to Norman's Park for a couple of laps and then back to their house - 6 miles done. The reward for this was a yummy roast dinner Mum cooked...mmmmmmm.

Today was my final "Long Slow Run" before I start to wind down the training to get ready for race day. The plan was to run 20 miles towards Mum and Dad's house and then they'd pick me up and drive me home. It didn't start well, the rain poured down for the first 3 miles and I was running into the wind - really hard going. At the 10 mile point I decided to turn round and just run home with the wind behind me, so I phoned Dad to tell him my change of plan. By now my legs were feeling the pain and I was walking a bit too often. At 13 miles I was finding it really hard and called Dad again - they were on their way to visit Penny and I asked them to look out for me - Dad said he'd wave !!!!!!!

By 14.5 miles I was walking most of the time...aaarrrggghhh. Then at 15.5 miles there was Mum and Dad waiting for me....I just jumped in the car - I couldn't do any more.

So now I have guilt for giving in too easily. I know why it went so wrong today...I didn't drink enough or eat properly yesterday to fuel my body for such a long run. You learn from your mistakes !!!

3 weeks to go and my mind is doing summersaults thinking about the BIG DAY. So much to think about but I can't wait for it all to begin now.

Sunday, 28 March 2010


Oh my God....I ran 18 miles today (and walked a bit too) to Sainsburys near Bluewater and back home again. It took me just over 3 hrs 30 mins and at times I thought it was never going to many hills. It is all perfect training for the London Marathon which is almost perfectly FLAT. My dream time of finishing in under 5 hours might just be possible.....maybe....hopefully....fingers crossed !!!!

It's not too late to sponsor me, here's the link or just let me how much to put on my sponsorship form.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

It's been a great couple of weeks.

My cough has finally started to go and my training seems to be going well. I managed a couple of 5 miles runs last week and then on Friday we all went off to sunny Hastings for the weekend.

The reason for our trip was for me to run the Hastings Half Marathon on Sunday. We spent Saturday in Hastings pottering around and playing mini golf. Then in the evening we went for a really nice Italian meal to celebrate Michael's and my birthday. It also gave me a chance to load up on my carbs before the race (and have a really yummy pudding).

So Sunday morning we were all up early to open my birthday cards and pressies then I got ready for the race. It was a bit chilly to start with but luckily it wasn't raining or windy. At 10.30 the race started and off I went. I'd already been warned it was a very hilly course and within the first mile there were 2 really steep sections. Then it leveled out for a while before the long slow hill of Queensway which went on forever and ever. At the half way mark the course started to head downhill back towards the seafront and then eventually the last 3 miles were flat along the promenade. I finished in 2 hrs 27 min - I didn't break any records but I really enjoyed myself and got a lovely brass medal to keep.

Today I have started to follow my training programme again and ran 7 miles. Legs are still a bit stiff from the weekend but I'm sure they'll feel better as the week goes on. I'm hoping to do my long run on Sunday 18 miles !!!!

4 and a bit weeks to go......

Monday, 15 March 2010

Back on Track (almost)

The last few weeks haven't quite gone to plan. I wasn't expecting to get a nasty cold and cough that would throw me right off schedule. I've been trying really hard for the last week or so to get back into a training routine. Each run got a bit better with a bit less coughing. Now and again I would have to stop completely and just cough, cough, cough. I haven't been able to do any really long runs but have managed a few 5 miles.

Mothers Day was spent in Greenwich Park. I went for a lovely run in the sunshine and warmth while Peter took the kids off to explore. I was planning to do about 10 miles round the park and Blackheath but once again the cough got the better of me and I only did about 5 miles. 5 miles is still better than nothing and I'm still as determined as ever to keep going and not give in.

Tomorrow I hope to do 7 miles, 6 on Thursday and then Friday we're all going to Hastings for the weekend so I can run the Hastings Half Marathon on Sunday (my birthday). The course is supposed to be quite tough - the first 6 miles are all up hill - some steeper than others. Then the rest is downhill to the seafront with the final 3 miles along the sea. If the weather stays warm it should be a nice weekend.

Just under 6 weeks to go !!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

1st run in ages today.....

It's been 2 weeks today since I last went running. I've had a cough and cold from hell. I was determined to run today as I'm getting so behind on my training programme. Even if I had to take a box of tissues with me I was going.

I drove to Gravesend to run around the flat park and considering it had been ages since my last run, I felt pretty strong and ran a mile and a bit before stopping. The only reason I stopped was because half the park was shut for maintenance and I couldn't work out how to get out ! As I'd stopped anyway I thought I'd have a gulp of water - big mistake, I couldn't stop coughing. After what seemed like a lifetime of coughing I decided to call it a day. At least it's a start and hopefully over the next few days I'll start to feel a bit better and run a bit further. This cold couldn't have come at a worse time but I'm sure I'll be able to catch up over the next 7 weeks.

Sarah xxx

Friday, 26 February 2010

No training done this week !!!!

It must have been one of my 3 kids who decided to share a lovely cold with me. I've had the worst sore throat ever since last Friday, I even went to the doctors. A virus, (of course) what else could it be, everything's a virus these days. As antibiotics can't help my virus I've been living on paracetamol and ibuprofen for about a week now. It could catch on as a new diet fad - I've lost 5lbs.

So today is the first day in ages that I haven't taken any pain killers and I've stopped rattling. I'm hoping to restart running over the weekend as I haven't been since last Wednesday. I did think about doing my 14 miles last Sunday but when I got up in the morning I felt so rough I just went back to bed.

I've got quite a lot of catching up to do. I'll be stuffing my face with carbs and drinking loads of water to rehydrate ready for a short run tomorrow. Don't think I'll attempt 14 miles this weekend, but maybe later in the week I'll have a bit more energy.

8 weeks to go this Sunday. On Monday I'll be able to say "Next month I'm running the London Marathon" OMG......

Sarah xxxxxx

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Where is the time going ?

I can't believe that it is only 10 weeks today until the London Marathon. It doesn't seem so long ago that I was trying really hard to run just one mile and now today I ran 12 miles. Ok, as usual it wasn't in a record breaking time (2 hours 20 mins) and I did stop to walk on the odd hill or two....but I did it.

I'm hoping that my photo of me crossing the finish line has a time that begins with a 4. Knowing my luck it will be 5:00:01 and there will be a giant yellow banana in the background or one of those rhino runners. My aim is to finish in under 5 hours, my original dream of just over 4 hours, I now realise was just a fantasy.

This week my training will hopefully go to plan even with the kids at home for half term. Tuesday is a 6 mile run, Thursday hill running (yuck...I HATE HILLS), 3 miles on Saturday and then the long one Sunday - 14 miles.

I've had some lovely people sponsor me this week. One of the girl's teachers at parent evening asked to sponsor me and then one of my neighbours saw my poster in my car and sponsored me a pound a mile. Really generous of them. There's a link to my sponsorship page on the right or ask me for my sponsorship form - i carry it everywhere.

Thanks for reading. Sarah xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

I did it - I ran 10 miles.

I've decided to mess around with my training schedule and change the days of my runs. Sunday's "Long Slow Run" was proving too hard after working all night on a Saturday. I just didn't have the energy to run 10 miles or more.

So now my long runs will be on a Wednesday - the 1st was today. I ran 10 miles.....whoop whoop. Ok, I ran and walked a slow 10 miles in 2 hours 2 mins (that's about a 12 min mile). It's not going to break any records - but I did it.

I ran 3 miles yesterday, I get a day off tomorrow to recover, then 4 miles on Friday and Saturday. Sundays and Mondays will now be rest days to catch up on sleep after working nights at the weekend.

So after my long run today I have a good excuse to eat loads to refuel. This might involve chocolate !!!!

Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me this week. My total is going up all the time.

Sarah xxxxx

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

13 weeks and counting.......

I've been training really hard over the last week and kept to my schedule for a change.

Thursday I ran 4 miles, then Friday was a rest day. On Saturday we all went to Mote Park in Maidstone so the kids could play in the playground with Peter while I ran around the big park. I'd forgotten how wet it had been and 3 miles later I was caked in mud. At one part the path was so water logged and muddy I had to go across an overgrown field that was more like a bog in places. At least my new trainers don't look new anymore - more a mud colour !

Sunday was my long run day - 8 miles. I'd arranged for Mum & Dad to look after the kids so Peter could come with me on his bike. I thought the fresh air would do him good as he's had a nasty cough and cold. All was going well until we'd gone about 2 miles and had to go up a really steep hill. By the time I'd reached the top I couldn't see Peter behind me, so I carried on thinking he'd catch me up on his bike. Eventually I saw him, walking with his bike in the distance, coughing his head off. He was going to ride home while I carried on, so he sat on a wall to get his breathe back first. He was still there when I ran back. I don't think he'll be coming with me again until he's better !!!!

Monday was a day of rest, Tuesday I ran 3.5 miles and then finally today 5 miles. It is all starting to get a bit easier. I hardly ever stop to walk now where as a few weeks ago I would stop every few hundred yards for no reason.

I've also entered another race for experience. I'm running the Hastings Half Marathon on 21st March (my birthday). The first seven miles are all uphill, but at least I can look forward to the other 6 miles to come back down again! I must be mad, how many other people would want to spend their birthday like that......

Thank you everyone who has sponsored me, I've now gone past the half way point which is brilliant. As of today I've raised £795. So thank you everyone, it's brilliant to know you are all supporting me.

Sarah xxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

It's all getting very serious !!!

With just over 13 weeks to go until the Marathon, my training is starting to get very serious and intense. I ran my furthest distance yet last Sunday - 7.3 miles. I managed to run most of it with just a bit of walking when my legs were aching.

Today I went to the gym at Dean Gate with Penny and then ran home the long way - 4.5 miles. Then I'll be running every day apart from Saturday (my rest day) before 8 miles on Sunday.

I now have no life - just running !!

My sponsorship is going really well. As you can see in the blue box on the right, I'm nearly half way there. So thank you everyone who's sponsored me already. If you'd like to sponsor me I always have my form with me or you can go online by clicking on the blue sponsorship box.

As always, thanks for reading my blog.

Sarah xxxxx

Friday, 15 January 2010

The Snows Melted - So I Went Running

After what seems like a lifetime, the snow actually started to melt. So yesterday on went my running gear and out I went in the freezing cold for a 3 mile run. It was really cold ( 2C ) and still very icy on the pavements, so I ran a lot in the road. Just to top it off it was also pouring with rain, but I really enjoyed myself even though I was soaked through by the time I got home.

My new gadget (Garmin 205) helped to spurr me on. It shows me how far I've run and how quick. So when I was running really slowly I tried to go just a little bit faster. It also shows when I'm walking (maybe too much information).

"ALL THE GEAR, NO IDEA" is my new saying - at least I look like a pro even if I don't really know what I'm doing !!!!

If you'd like to sponsor me - just click on the blue box on the right :)

Sarah xxxxx

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

I've had enough of the snow now..........

Enoughs enough.....I want the snow to go away now !!!!!

I haven't been running on the road for 10 days now and it's really frustrating. I should be on week 2 of my training programme and I haven't even started week 1.

I did venture to the gym to use the treadmill but it is sooooo boring, I only managed about 15 mins before I gave in.

It is supposed to start to warm up tomorrow - so fingers crossed I'll be running again soon.

Don't forget to sponsor me & thanks to everyone who already has. Just click on the blue box on the right. xxxxxx


Monday, 4 January 2010

Bbbrrrrrrrr It's Too Cold For Running !!!!

So how many excuses can I think of to not go running in the cold......loads.

I really couldn't go today because of the snow and ice on the pavements...honest, and today was supposed to be the first day of my official 16 week Marathon Training Programme......not a good start. I should have ran a "quick" 2 miles today. That in itself is funny as I only go at one speed - steady. Hopefully conditions will improve soon so I can really get started - the weeks are just flying by.

My other big excuse for not running today is that my legs are still aching from my longest run yet on Saturday. I ran and walked a little bit, from the Harvester at Gravesend to home (about 6 miles, hills and all). Only another 20 miles to add to problem !!!!!!!!!!!

My fundraising total is also starting to creep up. I've now raised £310, so thank you to everyone who has faith in me. If you would like to sponsor me when I run the Marathon here's the link to my page .

Thanks for reading. Sarah xxxxxx